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Did you ever need an outlet because your life is so full that it is running over?

My brain is full, and so is my heart, so I needed some place to share all that has runs around inside of me. The last few years have been a time of much growth, change, and learning in my life. The more I learn, the more questions I have and the more I find myself musing about life, purpose, meaning, value, and what I am here for.

Please stop by for visit any time you want some food for thought. I have plenty of questions and things to think about, but there may not be many answers. You are welcome to comment and dialogue. I would love the interaction. The things I post come mostly from what I see, hear, and read from others. It is people like you who inspire me to think, grow, and change. If I was left to myself I would be happy staying in my nice little rut!


Sherie Drew is single (never married), and lives near Portland, Oregon. She works a day job to pay the bills, but her real work is an equipper, advocate, speaker, and aspiring author.

Raised in the church as the daughter of a pastor, Sherie grew into faith and a life of service. She has spent more than 25 years as a believer who has been actively involved in churches and ministry, especially to students. During the last few years Sherie wrestled through issues of disillusionment and disconnection with how she witnessed and experienced the Church and Christianity. Never doubting who God was, but struggling with her journey of understanding and relating to Him and wrestling with a lot of the theologies and doctrines taught by churches, she asked some of the hardest core questions that we can ask in our faith. She learned that the foundations of our faith, our image of God, and our understanding of our identity are vitally important to understanding and living a life that is transformed and vitally connected to God. Now she is taking all she has learned to be an advocate and activist for others who are struggling through this same journey, or those who just want to deepen their walk with God and daily live out a life of true commitment.

After years of serving in ministry within the church Sherie is now very actively involved in serving the community around her in practical ways and inspiring others to share in that work. She is passionate about the disunity and brokenness that exists in the body of Christ, and how that keeps the church from reaching outside of itself to those in need. She is very actively involved with local organizations in Portland that are working to unify and connect churches, serve the practical needs in the community, reach the disillusioned and dechurched, and building firm foundations in students and young adults to help them be the leaders in our churches and communities in the future.

Sherie also is a strong supporter of several movements, organizations, and efforts that are working on national or global levels to restore hope, health, and life to those in need. These efforts and charitable causes tug at her heart strings and she is working as an advocate to bring light to the work they are doing.

10 Comments leave one →
  1. April 3, 2007 11:11 am

    Sherie–that is so funny to read on Jenn’s blog that you started out in Waterville! I went to school at ACH in Hartline. I lived between Coulee City and Almira for about 15 years–my grandparents and an aunt still live in that area. I remember going to Waterville for the NCW Fair nearly every summer. It was one of the highlights of the year! 🙂

  2. April 3, 2007 4:51 pm

    After Waterville I lived for a time in Cashmere. Fair was a big deal there too as they hosted the county fair. I’m still a small town girl at heart even though I live in a more urban area now. I guess my roots run deep from the years in those small towns. It shaped who I am and left deep impressions that helped form those core beliefs that make me who I am. It also gave me a great love for the outdoors and all God has made.

  3. Trina Paulus permalink
    July 26, 2007 12:14 pm

    Dear Sherie –
    I rarely go on a search for what is said about my book, Hope for the Flowers, but I did today. I stumbled across your blog and decided to write.

    Several of us are playing with the idea of trying to produce Hope For the Flowers ourselves, since all the Hollywoodie types that have approached me, want to mess it up or not let me have any decisions about it.

    I was just trying to get a feel for what sort of outreach might be possible and even some support like with money if we did such a thing.

    Should you have any thoughts about this, let me hear from you please.
    Thanks for a lovely site!

  4. January 23, 2008 8:12 pm

    hello! i luv your site, and I’m glad to meet another Christian blogger! stop by mine @
    Keep in the Faith!!

  5. March 15, 2008 10:54 pm

    sherie… i was just building my website when i came across yours… my brain is just so full with things but no one to tell to… thats why i made a blog… i found peace with some of the things you wrote.. i hope one day, i will be a great writer as you are… but im only 18… i have a long way to go in the path of our Lord

  6. joannavankovic permalink
    March 19, 2008 7:06 am

    Dear Sherie. Your comment me me so happy. Im a new Christian. Ive only been one for a year. And yet i have come a long way. when i first attended church, my youth group was so small, only 6 people. Now after less than a year, we are a stabil group of 40. Number add up to 100 or so at times. I hope to have a good fellowwhip with you. Because everytime i pray, My heart leads me to you and your thoughts. I will pray for you. You are in my thoughts. Kepp up the good work. Keep rocking for Christ

  7. March 19, 2008 10:56 am

    Joanna,I am glad that my writings have touched you in some way. I welcome your comments, interaction, and fellowship. God has blessed me immensely through my “online friends” and I am thankful that I live in this day and age where we can be an ecnouragement and support to others even when we live in different parts of the world. I am glad your group is growing. I hope they are growing in knowledge or and relationship with God in addition to just growing in numbers. You have an amazing faith as a new believer. I look forward to seeing and hearing about where God takes you as you learn and grow even more.

  8. June 1, 2008 7:50 pm

    So touching bro. visit my web,

  9. truthfirst1 permalink
    January 13, 2010 7:52 pm

    Hey! Glad to see another christian blogger out there searching for truth in a world full of lies. Glad to know I’m not alone. Stop by my blog sometime!

  10. lost sheep permalink
    April 21, 2010 6:25 pm

    what a dork i am, LOL i never came and checked out this site—sory—will be checking it more

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